Encyclopedia of Shinto

詳細表示 (Complete Article)

カテゴリー1: 9. Texts and Sources
カテゴリー2: Other Basic Texts
This is a work from the late Kamakura period that deals with Sannō Shintō . In some instances this work is in nine and, in other cases, it consists of seven volumes and, in addition to the number of volumes, composition of this work varies dramatically depending on the manuscript. In the past this record was believed to be the work of the late Heian period Buddhist priest Kenshin (1130-92). In recent years, however, the theory that this record was a compilation conducted by the late Kamakura priest Gigen (dates unclear), who belonged to one faction of the medieval Tendai kike (a group of people who specialized in the records and ancient practices of Mt. Hiei), has become influential. This record is regarded as a fundamental text of Sannō Shintō and as a comprehensive survey of the early beliefs of this faction, but it also contains a broad sampling of the ancient practices and legends of Mt. Hiei. The majority of the volumes, starting with Kenshin's alleged work, Hiyoshi sannō reiōki, takes the form of a handbook of secret traditions, quoting from many apocryphal works, like Saichō's Sanpō jūjishū, Ennin's Sanpō bugyōki, Enchin's Jingi kanten, and Ōe Masafusa's Fusō meigetsushū. Works like Sange sairyakuki and Sannō hidenki are believed to be in the same tradition. Sange yōryakuki is contained in the Shintō section of Zoku Tendaishū zensho, and the second volume on Tendai Shintō in the Shintō taikei.
— Satō Masato

Pronunciation in Japanese/用語音声

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