Encyclopedia of Shinto

詳細表示 (Complete Article)

カテゴリー1: 9. Texts and Sources
カテゴリー2: Other Basic Texts
Text (Hirata Atsutane)
Essays on Sources from Ancient Histories. By Hirata Atsutane . One fascicle in four volumes with a one-volume appendix. Completed in 1819. Koshi chō (Sources from Ancient Histories) was originally entitled, Koshi wakumon (Doubts Regarding Ancient Histories), but Atsutane later changed the title. Koshi chō refers to clarifying (chō) ancient histories, and is a work in four fascicles, of which the first volume serves as the main text and it is divided into for parts: "Spring," "Summer," "Autumn," and "Winter." The "Spring" portion consists of a general discussion of ancient legends, an account of jindai moji ("Written Characters of the Divine Age"), and a treatise on Kojiki and Nihon shoki. The "Summer" portion continues the treatise on Kojiki and Nihon shoki and also discusses genealogical work, Shinsen shōjiroku (New Compilation of Clan Lineages). The "Autumn" portion treats the imperially-commissioned histories beginning with Shoku nihongi, Ruijū kokushi, Fudoki gazetteers, and the legal codes, procedures, rules, and edicts (ryō, shiki, kaku, ritsu). The "Winter" portion follows the development of ancient ceremonies and procedures, basing the account on a variety of sources. Each volume begins with a short introduction by Atsutane's disciple, Yamazaki Atsutoshi. The appendix includes a "Divine Age Genealogy," commencing with Ame no Minakanushi no Kami. This work is valuable in providing a concise summary of the scholarly side of Atsutane's activities. Included in Hirata Atsutane zenshū, vol. 5 (Naigai Shoseki, 1939), Shinshū Hirata Atsutane zenshū, vol. 5 (Meicho Shuppan, 1977), and, in an abridged version, in Shintō taikei: Ronsetsu-hen 26: Fukko Shintō 4.
— Inoue Nobutaka

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