Encyclopedia of Shinto

詳細表示 (Complete Article)

カテゴリー1: 8. Schools, Groups, and Personalities
カテゴリー2: Personalities
Miyaji Suii
Text (1852-194)
Founder of Miyaji Shinsendō, Suii was born on 8th day of the 1st month of 1852 to the priestly family (shake) of Ushioe Tenman Shrine, located in Ushioe Village, Tosa Province (present-day Kōchi Prefecture). Son of Tokiwa, Suii’s childhood name was Masae. Known also as Masaki, Kiyomi, Yoriki, and Kakiwa. Suii’s father had become a follower of Hirata Atsutane after his death, and instructed his son on “the Study of Mystery” (gengaku; in this context, it refers to Daoism and Shinsendō, or “the way of the Daoist immortals”). This included the notion that one would freely enter and leave the world of the Daoist immortals (shinsenkai) through the “departing soul” (dakkon). Suii took over as the shrine’s ritualist (shishoku, see jinjashishoku) at the age of 12. *Suika Shintō was thriving in Tosa at the time, and he was regarded as heterodox in the Shintō community of the province. He studied a wide range of subjects, including medicine, botany, and mineralogy, and made a practice of Shinsendō, frequently offering up religio-magical invocations (majinai or kin’en) and healing illnesses (jibyō) in response to the entreaties of his parishoners (ujiko). Suii regarded himself as a takusen, an immortal who had been banished to the human world for having broken the rules of the world of immortals. Accordingly, when he died on March 2, 1904, after an illness that kept him bedridden for five years, it was interpreted as an instance of shikai (Ch. shijie, lit. “the release of the soul from the corpse,” meaning that the deceased has become an immortal and risen to the world of immortals). His chief work is Ikyō bibōroku (Reminder and record of other realms).

-Tsushiro Hirofumi

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