Encyclopedia of Shinto

詳細表示 (Complete Article)

カテゴリー1: 7. Concepts and Doctrines
カテゴリー2: Basic Terms
Tamashizume, Tamafuri
Tamashizume, or mitamashizume, means to pacify the spirit and settle it in the center of the body. Tamafuri, or mitamafuri, means to reinvigorate the withered soul by shaking a ritual object or, alternatively, the human body itself. It can also express the idea of "beckoning a spirit" into the body. The Pacification Rite (chinkonsai) performed at the tennō's residential palace involves both activities. There are various explanations for the origin of the chinkonsai. Some trace its origin to the kami Amenouzume. According to the myth of the heavenly rock door in Kojiki and Nihongi, she first performed chinkonsai while in a trance and possessed by a deity. Sendai kuji hongi, on the other hand, claims that the first pacification rite was performed by Umashimaji no mikoto who prayed for a tennō and his senior consort using "ten kinds of divine treasures" (tokusa no kandakara). Orikuchi Shinobu, inspired by Suzuki Shigetane, developed a distinctive theory concerning the chinkonsai. According to Orikuchi, the word "furi" in "tamafuri" does not mean to shake or vibrate. It refers rather to possession or being touched by an external spirit. At the same time it connotes 殖ゆ ("fuyu," to reproduce, or to multiply) and 賜ふる ("tamafuru," to bestow).
— Tsushiro Hirofumi

Pronunciation in Japanese/用語音声

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