Encyclopedia of Shinto

詳細表示 (Complete Article)

カテゴリー1: 5. Rites and Festivals
カテゴリー2: Individual Shrine Observances
Yaya matsuri
A rite held January 15 at Hachiman Shrine in Amarume Town, Higashitagawa District, Yamagata Prefecture. Shirtless boys from five to fourteen years old wearing straw raincoats called kendai wrapped around their waist, straw crowns on their head, and carrying candles in both hands go to Hachiman Shrine to perform the "one hundred times worship" (ohyakudo mairi). Many young couples and pregnant women also visit. The rite is a prayer for safe births and the healthy growth of children.
— Mogi Sakae

Pronunciation in Japanese/用語音声

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