Encyclopedia of Shinto

詳細表示 (Complete Article)

カテゴリー1: 5. Rites and Festivals
カテゴリー2: Individual Shrine Observances
Suhōtei shinji
A festival characterized by the offering of large banners that is held August 7–13 Iminomiya Shrine in Shimonoseki City, Yamaguchi Prefecture. The festival supposedly began with the dance warriors performed with swords, pikes, and spears in hand when they celebrated the subjugation of the Kumaso (southern Kyūshū) region by the legendary Emperor Chūai. Young men present as offerings large banners made from joined pieces of bamboo that are 20 meters or more long and weigh 60 kilograms or more. The pole tips are decorated with bird feathers and small flags and bells are attached. Women offer up two types of lanterns—tōrō hung on bamboo that still have their branches and leaves and kiriko (a kind of multifaceted lantern) from which strips of thick paper (tanzaku) dangle. Young people dressed in white crowd around a a drum at the entrance to the shrine, wave banners, and perform the banner dance (noborimai). This takes place every night of the festival, with the night of the 13th being the most lively. The characters used for the festival's name (数方庭) appear to have been chosen arbitrarily for sound rather than meaning; other characters that produce the same or similar (e.g., 数法庭 or 数多庭) sounds are also used.
— Mogi Sakae

Pronunciation in Japanese/用語音声

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