Encyclopedia of Shinto

詳細表示 (Complete Article)

カテゴリー1: 5. Rites and Festivals
カテゴリー2: Individual Shrine Observances
Shinane matsuri
A festival held August 24–25 at Tosa Shrine in Kōchi City, Kōchi Prefecture. The festival had once been known as the Tosa Boat Festival (Tosa ofune asobi). After a ceremony, the portable shrine (shin'yo) is taken to the temporary resting spot (otabisho) located in front of the shrine's third torii. The "ritual for the beaching of boats" (mifune agari no gi) takes place here, at which time offerings of fish shavings (kezurizakana), a rice dish called mikinehan, and striped mullet sushi (borazushi) before the portable shrine as offerings. Even though the procession takes place during the day, the parishoners (ujiko) accompany it carrying torches lit from the purifying fire (imibi, see imi) at the shrine. The soot from the extinguished torches is regarded as a safeguard to protect against lightning and keep children from crying at night. Participants who crawl under the portable shrine on their stomachs are said to not get sick. In the past, it is said that a procession that ran from Urado Port to Otonashi Shrine in Tamashima, Takaoka District, took place at sea.
— Mogi Sakae

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