Encyclopedia of Shinto

詳細表示 (Complete Article)

カテゴリー1: 8. Schools, Groups, and Personalities
カテゴリー2: Personalities
Hanawa Hokiichi
Text (1746-1821)
Scholar of National Learning (kokugaku) of the mid-Edo period. Born on the fifth day of the fifth month of 1746 to a peasant family in the village of Hokino in Musashi Province (present-day Kodama Town, Saitama Prefecture). His lineage name was Ogino, and he had the styles Toranosuke and Hokiichi, among others. He also went by the epistolary names Tamonbō and Onkodō. His poet name (kyōmei) was Hayatomo no Mekari.
Blind by the age of seven, Hanawa moved to Edo at fifteen, where he became a disciple of Ametomi Kengyō. An avid student, he studied poetry composition under Hagiwara Sōko, Suika Shintō with Kawashima Takashige and kokugaku under the tutelage of Yamaoka Meia, and upon the recommendation of Hagiwara became a disciple of Kamo no Mabuchi and Hino Sukeki. He later continued his studies of poetry under Imperial Prince Kan'in no Miya and Toyama Mitsuzane.
In addition to scholarship, Hanawa also devoted himself to his occupation, holding administrative posts responsible for supervision of the blind, including the lower rank of kōtō, then kengyō (Officer) and ultimately, in his final years, advancing to the position of sōkengyō (Superior Officer).
Resolving to publish the magnum opus Gunsho ruijū, Hanawa was introduced by Tachihara Suiken to an audience with the lord of the Mito domain, an event that led to his participation in the compilation of the Dai Nihonshi (History of Great Japan). In 1793, with the patronage of the Tokugawa government, he established an institute for the study of Japanese classics called the Wagaku Kōdansho. This academy received a great deal of assistance and support; Hanawa was allowed to enter the homes of the ruling families of the Owari and Kishū Domains, and was even granted a personal audience with the shogun himself.
Hanawa was one of the earliest proponents of the study of the national history of Japan, and he edited and published an enormous number of works on this subject. Yet it is his editorship of the Gunsho ruijū, a work of kokugaku scholarship in six hundred and seventy volumes published over a forty-year span, that stands as his most important accomplishment. It was Hanawa's intention to edit further volumes of this work. However, he died on the twelfth day of the ninth month of 1821 at the age of seventy-six.

- Furusō Masami

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A bronze statue of Hanawa Hokiichi_Ōsawa Kōji___2007****_Tokyo