Encyclopedia of Shinto

詳細表示 (Complete Article)

カテゴリー1: 2. Kami (Deities)
カテゴリー2: Concepts of Kami
A kami which came into being alone. This title is used to discriminate such kami from those that are described as coming into being as male-female pairs. According to Kojiki, Amenominakanushi, Takamimusuhi and Kamimusuhi, the so-called "three deities of creation" (zōkasanshin) together with the so-called "separate heavenly kami" (kotoamatsukami) which included Umashiashikabihikoji no kami and Amenotokotachi no kami, and the group of seven deities including Kunitokotachi no kami and Toyokumonu no kami, were all "solitary kami." In each of these cases, the deities are described as coming into being alone, after which they "hid themselves away."

The expression hitorigami is not found in the Nihongi, but the text notes that the first three kami to come into being, Kunitokotachi no mikoto, Kunisazuchi no mikoto, and Toyokumunu no mikoto were "pure male" deities which "came into being solely from the male principle."

-Inoue Nobutaka

Pronunciation in Japanese/用語音声

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