Encyclopedia of Shinto

検索結果一覧(Search Results)

  • カテゴリー1:
  • 6. Belief and Practice
  • カテゴリー2:
  • Associations and Organizations
Title Text
1 Jinin After the end of the ancient period, and mainly in the case of medieval shrines, this term referred to a member of the kannushi 's or gūji (chief priest)'s shrine workers. This was the name for the attendants or low level shrine priests responsible for religious or administrative duti...
2 This term indicates a group of people holding similar beliefs, but as in the manner of a mutual financing business or loan association, the group is also diverted toward economic goals. The origin of kō lies in the name of Heian period Buddhist text reading and study ( kōdoku ) conducte...
3 Miyaza The specially empowered festival group in the village concerned with shrine festivities. The words " za " and " zashū " can be seen in historical data from the eleventh century; however, the word miyaza cannot be found in historical data which can be verified to ...
4 Oshi Religious functionaries attached to specific shrines and temples who guide visitors ( sankei ) through that shrine or temple and accommodate them by providing prayer ( kitō ), lodgings, and the like. They are called this because of a shortening of the original term okitōshi . They fi...
5 Sendatsu Originally this indicated advanced practitioners of various studies, arts and crafts, and ascetic practices; however, from the end of the Heian period it came to indicate religious practitioners who acted as guides, leading believers to holy mountains and shrines and temples. A...
6 Sōdai The name referring to someone who represents other believers. It is used throughout religion, but as it concerns Shinto it is a person other than a priest ( shinshoku ) who plays the role of a sponsor or a representative and who comes from among the ujiko (shrine parishioners) or sūkeis...
7 Sūkeikai "A shrine organization comprising parishoners ( ujiko ) and devotees from outside the parish ( sūkeisha ) that is put together to help maintain and build the shrine and perform edification ( kyōka , see Shintō Edification ) work. There are similar organizations known as hōsank...
8 Tōya At times of shrine festivals or kō events, this term refers to the people who take care of those rituals and events, or it refers to their families. Sometimes just " tō " is used as designation, and in many cases it is written 当屋 (not 頭屋). Tō refers to the supervisor or caretaker ...
9 Ujiko Generally, a group from the land surrounding the areas dedicated to the belief in and worship of one shrine; or, the constituents of that group. Because that shrine's kami is called the ujigami , the corresponding term ujiko is used. There is another term for ujiko , sūkeisha , but ofte...