Encyclopedia of Shinto

検索結果一覧(Search Results)

  • カテゴリー1:
  • 2. Kami (Deities)
  • カテゴリー2:
  • Concepts of Kami
Title Text
1 Wakamiya A general term referring to a minor shrine serving the kami of a separate main shrine ( hongū ), or to its related kami . Shintō myōmoku ruijūshō ; defines wakamiya as a shrine dedicated to the offspring ( mikogami ) of the kami worshiped at a main shrine, or to the newly apportioned branch ...
2 Zōkasanshin "Three kami of creation." According to Kojiki 's account of the formation of the world, the three kami which procreated first in the Plain of High Heaven (Takamanohara), namely, Amenominakanushi, Takamimusuhi, and Kamimusuhi. Each of these three came into being as a &q...
3 § Definitions and Typology A. Definitions Throughout history, numerous attempts have been made to define the term kami, since the early commentary Man'yōshū chūshaku ( Sengakushō ) by the Tendai priest Sengaku (1203-?) in the early Kamakura period and the Jindai no maki kuketsu by Inbe no Masamichi in the per...