Encyclopedia of Shinto

詳細表示 (Complete Article)

カテゴリー1: 7. Concepts and Doctrines
カテゴリー2: Basic Terms
It may also be written as 直毘、直備. The concept of naobi is thought to demonstrate the ethical consciousness of the Japanese people. Naobi means to correct something abnormal, bad, or distorted, and to restore it to its normal or original condition. Naobi also refers to the wondrous spirit that rectifies wrong. In Kiki (Kojiki and Nihongi) and in liturgical prayers (norito), this spirit is denoted by such names as Kannaobi no mikoto (Divine Naobi), or Ōnaobi no mikoto (Great Naobi). During the early modern period, scholars of national learning (kokugaku) used the word in book titles to signify the elimination of Chinese ways of thinking, or the demonstration of correct meaning and original values.
— Fukui Yoshihiko

Pronunciation in Japanese/用語音声

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