Encyclopedia of Shinto

詳細表示 (Complete Article)

カテゴリー1: 9. Texts and Sources
カテゴリー2: Other Basic Texts
Shintō taii
Text (Yoshida Kanetomo)
This is one work of the Yoshida Shintō collection. It consists of one volume, an abbreviated version of Yoshida Shintō, written by Yoshida Kanetomo in 1486 at the request of Ashikaga Yoshimasa, who wanted a general outline of Shinto. This work is also called Yuiitsu Shintō taii or Shintō daiji. In the medieval and early modern eras many Shintō scholars compiled works titled "Shintō taii," but this work is the most famous of these. The work consists of an excerpt from the ancient text, and then attaches the seven generations of heavenly deities, the five generations of earthly deities, the codification of the enshrinement of the deities in shrines of all sizes throughout Japan, the establishment of the twenty-two shrines most important to the court (nijūnisha), and the origins of the thirty deities who represent days in a month (sanjū banshin). There is also a work by the same title, attributed to Kanenao, an ancestor of Kanetomo's, but this is believed to also be the work of Kanetomo. Shintō taii is contained in the Shintō taikei, and also Yoshida sōsho, Part One (Naigai Shoseki, 1940).
— Itō Satoshi

Pronunciation in Japanese/用語音声

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