Encyclopedia of Shinto

詳細表示 (Complete Article)

カテゴリー1: 5. Rites and Festivals
カテゴリー2: Shrine Rituals
One category of shrine rites, referring to ritual conducted on a middle or medium scale. In the Meiji period such rites became specified by law, but since the end of the war, they have been regulated by the Jinja saishi kitei of the Association of Shinto Shrines. According to the regulations, chūsai include saitansai, genchisai, kigensai, the main ritual of kannamesai on its officially appointed day, meijisai, tenchōsai, and other rites based on the above, or rites at particular shrines based on written shrine traditions. The standard for such rites is set by the practice of national, official ritual or rites based on historical, written tradition at individual shrines. Their performance is based on the medium rites section of the Jinja saishiki. The division of rites into major, middle and minor (taishi, chūshi, shōshi) based on their scale and content dates back to the Ritsuryō period, but in the Engishiki the chūshi comprise only the kinensai, tsukinamesai, kannamesai, niinamesai, kamosai and others. The sensodaijōsai is the only taishi (corresponds to taisai). Rites specified in the Engishiki as chūshi correspond to the taisai of shrines today. According to the Ritual Observances of the Imperial Household Kōshitsu saishi rei of 1908, rites are divided into taisai and shōsai, with no middle category.
— Mogi Sadasumi

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