Encyclopedia of Shinto

詳細表示 (Complete Article)

カテゴリー1: 8. Schools, Groups, and Personalities
カテゴリー2: Modern Sectarian Groups
Sekai Shindōkyō
A new religion deriving from Tenrikyō and founded by Aida Hide (1898-1973). Born into a poor family in Niigata prefecture, Aida endured numerous hardships working in the spinning industry, first in Nagoya and subsequently in Takasaki and Tokyo. In 1923 her husband became ill while she also hovered between life and death due to pneumonia, and at the end of that year she joined Tenrikyō. Thereafter, while running her household, she put her energies into proselytizing, and in 1926 became a Tenrikyō teacher. In March 1938 she experienced divine visitations from the kami of two shrines, and in December 1942 from those of eight shrines, and she began to transmit their revelations.
In 1943 Aida began her "salvation work" (otasuke) at Ōokayama in Tokyo, and in 1944 she moved to Ebisu and founded the Sekai Shindōkai. In 1946 this group moved to Toyokawa in Aichi Prefecture, and was registered as a religious legal person under the Religious Corporations Ordinance (Shūkyō Hōjinrei), at the same time changing its name to Sekai Shindōkyō.
Following the death of Aida Hide in 1983, her daughter Kazuko became the movement's second leader. Immediately thereafter her grandson Masami briefly took over as the group's third leader, but in time Kazuko once again assumed the role of fourth-generation leader. Masami then succeeded her upon her death in 1986.
In 1981 a system of teaching was established based on short doctrinal training courses, and both regular courses and special courses were established at the group's seminary. Within its main sanctuary, it has established various rooms for regular and special activities, and undertakes its practice of mijō jijō no otasuke (lit., "salvation from ills of body and circumstance"). The movement teaches that one hundred years after the founding of Tenrikyō in 1838, the kami of heaven (ama no kami) descended to earth into Aida Hide. The movement seeks to recreate the ideal world of heaven on earth and establish a divine era based on the notion of the transformation of the spirit. The influences of Tenrikyō can be readily seen in the terminology, institutions and style of the movement.
Headquarters: Aichi Prefecture
Nominal membership: approximately 110,000 (M)

— Fukushima Shinkichi

No sound/音声なし
