Encyclopedia of Shinto

詳細表示 (Complete Article)

カテゴリー1: 8. Schools, Groups, and Personalities
カテゴリー2: Modern Sectarian Groups
A movement of the Tenrikyō lineage. In 1912, Yamada Umejirō (1875-1941), a Tenrikyō teacher fired by a sense of divine inspiration, established various Tenrikyō-derived movements such as the Tenri Kenkyūkai (Tenri Research Society) and the Tenri Sanrinkō (Tenri Sanrin Association), groups whose doctrines and rituals display the strong influence of Tenrikyō. On January 11, 1936 , Baijirō experienced a revelation in which he realized he was the reincarnation of Zenbei, the husband of Tenrikyō's founder Nakayama Miki (1798-1887), and thus the "pillar of divine nectar" (kanrodai) found at the heart of Tenrikyō teaching. On this basis he began to perform esoteric salvation rituals known as "offering the waters of divine nectar" (kanromizu sazuke). At the same time he also revived salvific practices known as ōgi no sazuke ("prayer offering of the fan") and the iki no sazuke ("healing offering of the breath") that were no longer permitted within the Tenrikyō of that time. The following year (1937) he performed these rituals of "offering the waters of divine nectar" in Tokyo, Nara and Nagano, and on December 23, 1937, after just one year of activities, he had founded an organization together with a religious center, the Tenri Kami no Kuchiake Basho (lit., "place of origin of the god of Tenri [principle of heaven]") within his home in Nagoya. The next year, however, associates of his were arrested under the Maintenance of Public Order Act (Chian ijihō) and in 1939 the organization was forcibly dissolved. After Yamada Umejirō's death in 1941, his associates sought to establish an independent religious movement, and one of them, Egami Toshitane (1904-71) declared that he had inherited the authority to perform the kanromizu sazuke ("offering the waters of the divine nectar") rite. Forming a new group called Ichiretsukai, he began proselytising activities in Tokyo. Within the movement, this incident is known as the Ri no seshū ("inheritance of the principle of heaven," namely, inheritance of the mantle of authority to Tenrikyō). Since then, the name of the movement has changed numerous times, until it became fixed on its present name in 1960. The group registered as a legal religious corporation in 1952. Its sacred center was established at Nasu, and in 1973 its head offices were also moved there. A number of other religious groups have been established by followers of the Tenrikami Kuchiake Basho and by Baijirō's offspring; some of these include the Hinomoto Shinseikō (founded by Okamoto Tsue); Tsukihi Ōkanmichi (founded by Fukuzawa Matsue); Tsukihi Sansei no Michi Machitake Honbu (founded by Yamada's second daughter Yamada Some); and the Shinwa Kyōkai (founded by Yamada's second son, Yamada Kinji).
Headquarters:Tochigi Prefecture
Nominal membership: approximately 23,000.

-Yumiyama Tatsuya

Pronunciation in Japanese/用語音声

No movie/映像なし