Encyclopedia of Shinto

詳細表示 (Complete Article)

カテゴリー1: 1. General Introduction
カテゴリー2: Special Topics
カテゴリー1: Special Topics
カテゴリー2: Special Topics
What is there in the way of Shinto education?
Among religious schools in Japan, Christian schools exist in by far the largest numbers, with Buddhist schools a distant second. In contrast, only a handful of Shinto schools exist. In addition to Kōgakkan University and Kokugakuin University, which are the only four-year Shinto universities in Japan, the only other Shinto institutions of higher education are Kokugakuin Junior University and Kokugakuin-Tochigi Junior University. Almost all of the country's Shinto secondary schools, Kōgakkan High and Middle Schools, Kokugakuin High School, Kokugakuin University Kugayama High and Middle Schools, and Kokugakuin University Tochigi High School, are affiliated with the above-mentioned universities. The only secondary schools which are not are Osaka's Naniwa High and Middle Schools.
Once a year, the students at these Shinto secondary schools travel to the Grand Shrines at Ise (Ise Jingū) to perform purification rites (misogi) and participate in a class on Shinto from a textbook created independently by their homeroom teachers. At one time, the textbooks used were written by the professors at the universities, but these were too difficult for the students to understand.
Currently, information about the state of religious schools in Japan, including detailed statistical data on their religious teachings, and religious events, is available in the volume Shūkyō kyōiku shiryōhen [Sourcebook on Religious Education in Japan] edited by Kokugakuin's Institute for Japanese Culture and Classics.

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