Encyclopedia of Shinto

詳細表示 (Complete Article)

カテゴリー1: 4. Jinja (Shrines)
カテゴリー2: Ritual Implements and Vestments
A kind of ritual wand, one type of heihaku, also called heisoku. Gohei were originally identical to cloth offerings called mitegura, but the term gradually came to be used in its present, narrower sense. Gohei are made by attaching zig-zag cut strips of gold, silver, white or multicolored (five-color) paper to a staff (called a heigushi) made of bamboo or other wood. Previously, offerings of cloth were presented to the kami by attaching them to a staff, and today's gohei is a variation of this. Rectangular paper was first used, but the custom later developed of attaching streamers called shide to the sides. Gohei began as offerings to the kami and were placed deep within the sanctuary. They came to be used as mishōtai, objects in which the spirit of the kami resided, were placed before the kami as a decoration in the same way as mirrors, or were used as implements to purify worshipers at the shrine.
— Motosawa Masashi

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Gohei from the Koza-Kōchi matsuri_Fujii Hiroaki___2003****_Wakayama Prefecture