Encyclopedia of Shinto

詳細表示 (Complete Article)

カテゴリー1: 8. Schools, Groups, and Personalities
カテゴリー2: Modern Sectarian Groups
Taiwa Kyōdan
A Shinto-derived new religious movement. It emerged from Yamatokyō, a movement founded by Hozumi Kenkō (1913-76) and his wife Hisako (1908-2003), when the latter movement's Sendai branch, headed by Hisako, went independent. Hozumi Hisako had been subject to chronic illness since childhood, but had overcome her ills by performing religious practice under the guidance of an ascetic from the Ontake cult.
In 1934 Hisako married Kenkō, who also aspired to religious practice, and together they undertook religious exercises within the movement Jikkōkyō. In 1935 they set up the Jikkōkyō Yudonosan Shinshū branch church, then broke away from Jikkōkyō in 1946 to establish an independent group which they called Yamatokyō. Hisako and Kenkō later separated, and in 1957 Hisako established the Taiwa Kyōdan with herself as leader, registering it as a religious corporation. It was claimed that various kami and buddhas, including Amenominakanushi ōkami, Ōmonononushi ōkami, and the bodhisattva Taiwa Jizō Bosatsu would descend into Hisako, and at the end of each year a festival was observed in which she revealed divine oracles for the coming year.
Members also perform mountain ascents at Dewa Sanzan (the three sacred peaks of the Dewa region) and carry out various other forms of religious discipline. In addition, the movement engages various social issues, such as campaigns for world peace, the abolition of nuclear weapons, and for disarmament.
Headquarters: Miyagi Prefecture
Nominal membership: approximately 57,000 (M)

—Yumiyama Tatsuya

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