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Shinbutsu Bunri |
The separation of Shinto and Buddhism. A series of administrative measures implemented by the Meiji government, designed to prohibit the shinbutsu shūgō (the systemic combination of kami and buddhas, shrines and temples, and their priesthoods) system that had its roots in the Na... |
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Shintō Jimukyoku |
The Shintō institute for proselytization and doctrinal research comprised of kyōdōshoku (preceptors — Shinto priests recruited to the taikyō senpu , or Great Promulgation Campaign) and established in March 1875 in the Yūrakuchō district of Tokyo. In 1872, the Meiji government c... |
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Shintō Shirei (The Shinto Directive) |
A directive issued to the Japanese government by GHQ on December 15, 1945, the full title of which was "Regarding the abolition of government protection, support, supervision and proliferation of State Shintō or Shrine Shintō." It was informed by the Potsdam Declarati... |
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Shiwahiko Shrine, Shiogama Shrine Priest Training Institute |
(Shiogama Jinja shinshoku yōseijo) A training institute for shrine priests (see also Shrine Priest Training Institutes) approved by the Association of Shintō Shrines (Jinja Honchō) and run by the shrines Shiwahiko Jinja and Shiogama Jinja. These two shrines were originally sep... |
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Shrine Parishioner Registration (ujiko shirabe) |
A set of regulations for the registration of parishioners at large and small shrines promulgated by the Council of State (Dajōkan) that was in operation for two years from the fourth day of the seventh month of 1871 until May 29, 1873. The regulations for shrine parishioner registrat... |
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Shrine priest training institutes |
For a priest to receive an appointment to a shrine attached to the Jinja Honchō (Association of Shintō Shrines), he or she has to acquire qualifications as set out by the Association. In prewar times, the would-be priest had to meet stipulations as laid down in imperial edicts. Shrine ... |
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Sonsha |
Village shrines. A category of shrines stipulated under the shrine system established in the Meiji era. The broad categorization was between official shrines ( kansha ) and other shrines ( shosha ), and village shrines fell into the latter category, ranked below gōsha (district sh... |
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State Shintō |
(kokka Shintō) In the narrow sense, Kokka Shintō refers to Shrine Shintō as supervised until 1945 by the state and as administered separately in law from other forms of Shintō. In the wider sense, it has been conceptualized as the state religion manifest in the merging of the Shintō of ... |
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Taikyō Senpu |
The Great Promulgation Campaign. In a narrow sense, this refers to the propagation of the Great Teaching ( taikyō ), also known as the "great way of the kami " ( kannagara no taidō ) by missionaries called senkyōshi . The movement was launched in 1870 by the "Imperial Re... |
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Taisha Kokugakukan |
The Taisha Kokugakukan (Izumo Shrine Priest Training College) is a Jinja Honchō-approved training institute for shrine priests ( shinshoku ) managed by Izumo Taisha. Izumo established the institute within the shrine precincts in 1938 to promote Shintō-based ethics. Training o... |
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The Meiji Jingikan |
The early Meiji office for the administration of ritual and shrine affairs, established in the seventh month of 1869, and located above the Council of State (Dajōkan) in the institutional hierarchy. In the Ōnin wars of the fifteenth century, the ancient state's Jingikan building w... |
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§Modern and Contemporary Systems and Institutions: An Overview |
The Restoration government used the so-called Shinbutsu hanzen rei of 1868 to articulate its policy of separating Buddhism and Shintō, and thus end the practice of Shintō and Buddhist amalgamation ( shinbutsu shūgō ). In 1871, the government then issued legislation defining shri... |