Terms |
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テキスト内容 |
1 |
Aidono |
相殿 |
Sometimes several deities are enshrined in the same honden of a shrine. The principal deity is enshrined in the center, and the altars to the left and right are used to enshrine the subordinate deities. These subordinate altars are called aidono , and the deities enshrined upon them a... |
2 |
Akaki kiyoki kokoro |
Seimei |
see → Seimei |
3 |
Aki matsuri |
秋祭り |
Kannamesai, Niinamesai |
神嘗祭,新嘗祭 |
Autumn Festival, a celebration to thank the gods for an abundant harvest. Many characteristics of the aki matsuri are common to other annual shrine festivals. At the Niinamesai, celebrated on November 23 and 24, for example, the Emperor makes an offering of the first fruits of the ye... |
4 |
Aki matsuri,Kannamesai,Niinamesai |
秋祭り,神嘗祭,新嘗祭 |
Autumn Festival, a celebration to thank the gods for an abundant harvest. Many characteristics of the aki matsuri are common to other annual shrine festivals. At the Niinamesai, celebrated on November 23 and 24, for example, the Emperor makes an offering of the first fruits of the ye... |
5 |
Aku |
悪 |
Evil, not only in the moral sense, but also in the sense of unhappiness, disaster, or inferiority of nature or value. See also tsumi , kegare , hito . |
6 |
Amaterasu Ômikami |
天照大御神 |
A goddess endowed with the virtue of the sun, also known by the name ôhirume no muchi. The ancestral deity of the imperial house. The most beloved offspring of Izanagi no mikoto (see Izanagi no mikoto and Izanami no mikoto), Amaterasu embodies the unity of Takama no hara, the Pla... |
7 |
Amatsukami,kunitsukami |
Ame-tsuchi,Kami |
see → Ame-tsuchi,Kami |
8 |
Ame no masuhito |
Hito |
see → Hito |
9 |
Ame-tsuchi,"Amatsukami, kunitsukami" |
天地,天つ神、国つ神 |
Heaven and earth. A Shinto myth explains that at the time of the creation, light, pure elements branched off to become heaven ( ame ), while heavy, turbid elements branched off to become earth ( tsuchi ). Ame became the home of the amatsukami or gods of heaven, while tsuchi became the hom... |
10 |
Amenominakanushi no kami |
Musubi |
see → Musubi |
11 |
Aohitogusa |
Hito |
see → Hito |
12 |
Aoi Matsuri |
葵祭 |
An annual festival celebrated on May 15 at the two Kamo shrines in Kyoto. Said to have originated during the reign of Emperor Kimmei in the seventh century as a festival of prayer for abundant grain harvests. The procession, consisting of ox-drawn carts, horses with golden saddles, a... |
13 |
Araburu kami |
荒ぶる神 |
Malignant gods who bring affliction to human beings. Although it may seem strange to consider them as kami , in Shinto it is thought possible to soothe and pacify their evil natures by means of matsuri and thus change them into benevolent deities. See also magatsuhi no kami . |
14 |
Aramitama,Nigimitama |
Tama2 |
see → Tama2 |
15 |
Asagutsu |
浅沓 |
A kind of shoe worn by nobles in ancient times, and by Shinto priests during the performance of certain religious ceremonies today. Believed to have originally been constructed of leather, asagutsu have been made of hollowed paulownia wood finished in black lacquer since the Heian ... |
16 |
Azuma-asobi |
東遊 |
Entertainment of the eastern provinces. In ancient times, the inhabitants of the eastern provinces offered music to the Court as a token of their submission, to allay the anxiety that was felt concerning their loyalty. During the reign of Emperor Daigo (r. 897-930), the musical not... |
17 |
Bachi |
Shinbatsu |
see → Shinbatsu |
18 |
Bekka |
Saikai |
see → Saikai |
19 |
Beppyô jinja |
別表神社 |
Shrines on the Special List. The Jinja Honchô has made a special list of certain former national or state shrines and other large shrines in order to facilitate administration. At present, 244 shrines have been placed on this list. |
20 |
Bokusen |
卜占 |
Divination. From ancient times, many means have been used to attempt to determine the good or ill fortune of a thing or undertaking and to ascertain the divine will. Examples include futomani , heating the shoulder plate of a deer and interpreting the resulting cracks, and kiboku , he... |